Summer with children in the city – how to plan entertainment?
Living in the city
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Summer with children in the city – how to plan entertainment?

Summer is a difficult time, especially for parents. These are two long months when we have to organize time for our kids, who go to school every day. 

Unfortunately, we don’t always have the opportunity to send them to summer language camp, summer camps or to their grandparents in the countryside. We also don’t always have time to go somewhere cool for a vacation together. And this is where the problem arises – how to organize the children’s time and what kind of entertainment to propose when we don’t move from the city? 

Half-day camps, workshops, summer schools

The city – no matter how big or small – thanks to schools, foundations or cultural institutions, offers kids a lot of extra activities, for which there is usually no time during the school season. Often these are various types of workshops or meetings that bring a lot not only as entertainment, but also as education. These include, for example, “Summer in the City” cycles, where actually someone is in charge of the logistics, plans and entertainment for the kids for us. They often include outings to the pool, trips to the zoo or the cinema. What’s more, these types of attractions are usually financed by the city council, so it turns out that we end up paying almost no costs. 

Picnic out of town

This is a great idea especially for warm weekends. We can go on a picnic either by car or by bicycle. Beforehand, it will be necessary to carefully plan the outing, which we can consult with the children. Then all the preparations await us: packing, preparing snacks, creating the number of guests (maybe the children would like to take a friend or colleague with them) and coming up with games. It can be a great idea to combine a picnic with a night outdoors or in a tent. It’s a sensational adventure that kids are sure to remember for years to come. 

Outdoor cinema 

Most cities often hold outdoor cinemas in distinctive locations in the summer. Such events are often held on a city beach, in a park, on the roof or patio of some important building, in a market square or simply on a football field. The event itself is usually divided into several screenings: earlier family ones for whole families and later ones intended more for adult audiences. It’s a great option to meet with others, relax outdoors and enjoy a completely different way of traditional leisure activities. You can bring along deck chairs, a blanket, popcorn or soda and necessarily mosquito spray 😉 

Creating a new history of the city

This is an idea that requires a bit of commitment. Before we embark on it, it’s a good idea to find out what stories, histories and urban legends are passed down in the place where we live. Then we take a trip in their footsteps to tell them to the children. The main fun is to go on a second excursion after some time, assuming the creation of their own new history of the city. Children can then show off their imagination and creativity. We guarantee that you will hear many intriguing stories. The last part of the task, which is great for inclement weather, can be to write down the stories and decorate them with drawings. You can also include photos from the trip. 

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