Tag - display

How to highlight a ceramics collection?
How to highlight a ceramics collection?

The display of ceramics in the house is quite a delicate matter, and we are not concerned with the fragility of the material from which the dishes are made. How to set them up for an eye-pleasing effect?

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How to style your apartment with custom-painted furniture
How to style your apartment with custom-painted furniture
Are you looking to spruce up your apartment with custom painted furniture? If so, you’re in luck! Oregon is home to some of the best custom painted furniture artisans in the world.
Organizing trash cans in a small apartment
Organizing trash cans in a small apartment
Nowadays, most of us segregate our trash. And rightly so, as it is important for our planet. But how to place the bins for appropriate waste if we have really little space for it?
Cleanup schedule – we’re organizing!
Cleanup schedule – we’re organizing!
The cleaning schedule has a growing number of supporters. The cleaning list acts as a motivator and a reminder to perform certain activities.
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