Tag - interior design

Hanging plates on the wall – how to arrange a cohesive composition?
Hanging plates on the wall – how to arrange a cohesive composition?

Dreaming of an unusual decoration for your kitchen or dining room, and found beautiful hand-painted plates in your parents’ attic? Check out how to arrange a beautiful and cohesive composition that will appeal to everyone!

In what style to decorate an apartment? Overview
In what style to decorate an apartment? Overview

Are you decorating your apartment? See an overview of interior styles to consider in your interiors!

Ornaments that emphasize elegant home décor
Ornaments that emphasize elegant home décor

You want to decorate your interior in an elegant style, but you do not know what accessories to choose? We suggest what to pay attention to when arranging and choosing decorations.

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How do you screen yourself from a neighbor in a block of flats?
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All about proper and safe storage of bicycles in the basement
Storing a bike in a basement can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be! Here's what you should know.
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Moving vs. packing clothes – smart organization
The bed moved, the desk too, the closet and...its contents remained. How to pack clothes when moving?
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